Tea vs. Coffee: Which Is the Superior Beverage?

As long as there has been the cats vs. dogs debate, there has also been the tea vs. coffee argument. There are a lot of factors that go into this, and there are fanatics on both sides. Coffee snobs will shun you for a week if they catch you drinking anything with sugar in it. Tea nuts know the exact temperature that their tea should be at. So, let’s settle this, once and for all.


We wish there was a simple answer as to which drink has more caffeine. The truth is that it depends on a few factors. On average though, a cup of coffee will have more caffeine in it than a same-sized cup of tea.

There’s also absolutely the placebo effect that happens when you drink coffee, just thinking that it has more caffeine in it than tea will likely give you a bigger boost than a cup of tea will. However, don’t think that sipping an espresso will give you the caffeine boost you’re after. Espressos have a surprisingly low amount of caffeine in them, even compared to a cup of tea.