11 Unconventional Tips to Help You Fall Asleep Easily and Sleep Soundly All Night

Use White Noise

Use White Noise

The monotonous hum of an air conditioner, fan, or even a prolonged rain can mask noises that wake us up, such as conversations, door slams, or the rumble of a car exhaust. You can also use special apps on your phone or computer that generate white noise.

By the way, noise comes in different shades, all of which can help with falling asleep.

  • White noise covers a range of sound frequencies, creating a humming sound. This includes noises made by a fan, TV static, air conditioner, or air purifier.
  • Pink noise has a deeper sound frequency than white noise. Examples include the sounds of rain, wind, or rustling leaves.
  • Brown noise has an even deeper frequency than pink or white noise. This includes the sounds of waterfalls and thunder.